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Hello, I'm Kh Tanjim Ashraf. I'm a software engineer with 3 years of experience. I build web apps with real-world significance.

About Me

I'm a seasoned software engineer with four years of hands-on experience crafting robust, scalable solutions across diverse domains. My passion for problem-solving propels me to explore and master new technologies continually. Proficient in Python, JavaScript, Angular, Django, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and Tailwind, I excel in dynamic, innovative environments. With expertise in back-end technologies like Docker, Git, PostgreSQL, WebSocket, I design and implement efficient RESTful APIs and real-time applications, ensuring seamless client-server communication. I deploy and manage applications effortlessly using NGINX, uWSGI, Gunicorn, Daphne, and Redis.

Skilled in data analysis with Pandas, I derive actionable insights from complex datasets. Experienced in continuous integration and deployment pipelines with Jenkins, I ensure reliable software delivery. My database proficiency extends to MySQL, and cloud-based solutions like Amazon RDS, with infrastructure management expertise in Amazon EC2, Amazon Route53. Adept in Linux environments, I streamline communication and project management using tools like Slack and Atlassian Jira, fostering collaboration and efficiency. In essence, I'm a versatile software engineer dedicated to innovation, armed with a diverse skill set to tackle challenges and deliver exceptional results.

My Projects

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My Skills

My Experience

Doer Services PLC

Software Engineer

Dhaka, Bangladesh

I served as a software engineer with the responsibility to build & maintain cutting-edge software & seamless deployment. My stack includes Django, Flask, Angular, Pandas, Numpy, Asynchronous Programming, DRF, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Docker, Docker Compose

Feb 2021 - March 2024

TechForing Ltd

Backend Developer

London, United Kingdom

Build, configure, automate the applications & their deployments using Jenkins and hosted in AWS. I got hands on experience with variaous AWS services including EC2, Route53, RDS, RedShift, ECS.

May 2022 - Dec 2022

Creative IT Institute

Jr. Python Developer

Dhaka, Bangladesh

I'ver build various applications for in-house operations including the contribution to an LMS with over 1 million user base. Besides, building software, I have also taught over 300 students about building real world applications using Django framework.

Feb 2021 - April 2022

Daffodil Software Ltd

Odoo Developer Intern

Dhaka, Bangladesh

As an Odoo developer intern, my responsibilities include learning the Odoo moduels & applications. I collaborate with senior developers to analyze requirements, propose solutions, and execute coding tasks. During internship, I also implemented the attendance & performance calculation functionality for both students & teachers is an EMIS project.

Jan 2020 - June 2020

Contact me

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